At the Smithfield Culinary “Menu Masters” event this past Sunday, 5/19/2019, Tic-Tac-Tag was invited to activate for the non-for-profit organization CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees
For that evening only, every post to Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #SmithfieldCOREs a donation was made to CORE from Smithfield Culinary. We are proud to announce that over $2500 was donated to COREs that evening.
This opens doors for non-for-profit opportunities everywhere hoping to raise money for their cause while bringing fun to their event.
About CORE
Since 2004, CORE has raised more than $4 million and granted support to more than 600 families from across the industry and the country. Contributions from our COREporate Members and individual donors allow CORE to provide grants that keep our families safe, healthy, and happy.
CORE has supported food and beverage service families in 41 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and we have Board Members, and Ambassadors across the country that help spread the word and gain awareness of CORE’s mission.
CORE Grants
If a family qualifies for CORE support, they receive a grant to cover medical bills for children, gas cards, groceries, clothing, medical supplies and therapies, utilities, rent and mortgage, and other essential needs a family might need to navigate their specific circumstance. We work with the family to create the best and most impactful grant for their family and needs. All information provided to CORE is kept confidential.
CORE reserves the right to determine which circumstances and conditions qualify as life-altering and determine how CORE grant funds are distributed in fulfillment of each grant. CORE families may reapply for support after (3) years since the date of grant distribution. If you are interested in applying for support or referring a family for support, please visit our grant application.
Qualifying Events
Qualifying events include but are not limited to:
• Diagnosed Medical Condition (child or parent)
• Injury or Accident (child or parent)
• Death of an immediate family member (child or parent)
• Domestic abuse (child or parent)
• Natural disaster, fire or other unexpected housing emergency
Expenses Covered
Types of expenses we cover include but are not limited to:
• Rent or mortgage
• Utilities such as electric, gas, water and sewer
• Funeral expenses including travel to out of town funerals
• Medical bills/supplies
• Therapy sessions/equipment
• Hospital expenses for family: travel, hotel stays, food, gas, etc.
• Other child needs: diapers, formula, etc.
• Childcare costs
Expenses we DO NOT cover:
• Cable/Internet service
• Direct Cash/Check to Family